She has been staying in Alaeddin Tepesi, a secret in the city that has been spoken in the city for years and still can not be brought to the surface. It is claimed by the Konyalılar that it is a secret sun extending from Alaeddin Tepesi to Mevlana Tomb. Experts say that such a hidden tunnel is a city legend. This secret passage, which is the entrance gate under Alaeddin Tepesi and claimed to be the garden of the Mevlana Tomb, is among the allegations against the enemy attacks during the Seljuk period. Citizens, the entrance gate of the tunnel can not make sense to lock the stating, said: “The tunnel door next to the Alaeddin Mosque has been closed for years. Archaeological work can be done to remove the question marks from citizens’ heads. As the entrance is forbidden, a new city legend is being unveiled day by day. As soon as we open the door we demand that the Konyali be illuminated. Even if there is no hidden tunnel, at least the door can be opened or a different area can be evaluated.




Mehmet Ali Uz, a researcher-writer who explains to my journal about the subject, said there was no concrete evidence about the secret tunnel. Pointing out that there were no signs of tunnels in the construction of the Sarraflar Bazaar Uz was found if there was such a tunnel when the “Sarraflar Bazaar” was built. There’s no sign that it’s a hidden tunnel. There were also houses there before Mevlana Street was expanded. There was no tunnel to prove their destruction. Even if the tunnel is in the vicinity of Alaeddin Tepesi surrounded by the walls because of the tunnel was passed through the walls. In other words, it is not a matter of having a tunnel until Mevlana Tomb. This keeps updating as a city legend.