Culture City Konya

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History of Konya

From 7000 BC to Konya, the history of humanity has been the stage of important civilizations, the traces of a rather rich culture, the Islamic ones raised in the bosom of Mevlana, the heart of the historical Silk Road, trade and accommodation It is an exception city with a museum city ID, centrally located. Konya, which hosts the oldest and most precious works of Turkish history, is also a land of hearts.

Konya has a name that has not undergone much change from ancient times to the present. Rumor has it; A monument to the person who killed a beast that harmed the city in ancient times was made as a token of gratitude, and a picture was drawn on it. This Anita is also given the name Iconion. Over time, the iconion name has evolved into Icconium. In Roman times, the names of the emperors changed, Claudiconium, Colonia Selie, Augusta Iconium. As Tokonion in Byzantine sources

Konya’s first settlement is down to the Neolithic Age (8000-5500 BC). It followed the settlements of the Chalcolithic age (5500-3500 BC), the first Bronze Age (3500-2000 BC). In addition, the research conducted at Karaköyük and Ereğli showed that there is a settlement in the Hittite period. The settlements belonging to the Neolithic age are in Canhasan, Çataköyükmound and Erbaa; Canhasan, hoof the settlements belonging to the Chalcolithic era; The settlements belonging to the first Bronze Age emerged in the excavations of Alaaddin Hill and Karahoyuk. In this regard, Konya is one of the oldest settlement centers in Anatolia. The excavations made in ho, located 10 km east of Çumra region of Konya, have been uncovered in 13 building times. The earliest settlement here is dated to 5500 years BC. The first home architecture and the original finds belonging to the first sacred structures were found here. The location in Hois the best known period in the city, 7. and 11. emerged on the floors.These houses are single-storey and the entrances are stairs from a hole in the roof. The walls of the houses were plastered, pictures were made on them. These are examples of the first paintings of the old age people on the walls. Furthermore, the statues uncovered in the excavation of the ho, the Mother goddess Culture, provide authentic information about the beginning of worship and the beliefs of time.XIII BC. In the century Hittites dominated the region and the rock reliefs at Flatunpinar and Ereğli reached the current period. After Hittites, the region is Frig and Cimmeris. VII BC. In the 19th century, the reign of the Persians remained in the borders of Cappadocia, in the district of Lidiians. In Anatolia, the elimination of the Persian state of Alexander the Great was linked to the Macedonian kingdom in 334 BC.Konya region remained in the administration of Pontus in the I century BC, and then occasionally changed hands between Pontus and the Romans. A.D. VII. At the beginning of the century, the Sassanians dominated the region, albeit in the middle of the century the Arabs were short-term.


After the Battle of Malazgirt (1071), Oguz tribes dominated Anatolia, and after conquering Kutalmuşoğlu Suleyman Shah Konya and the region of Alparslan, the Anatolian Seljuk state was founded in 1074. The Anatolian Seljuks elected the capital of the state as Iznik, while the I. Lost Iznik during the crusade, they made Konya their headquarters.After that, Konya Anatolian Seljuks were adorned with architectural works and became one of the most developed cities of Anatolia in a short time. During the Anatolian Seljuk period, Konya experienced the golden age of culture and art. He brought together the Masters of famous scholars, philosophers, poets, Musufi, Musikias, and other fine arts.Bahaeddin Brat, Mevlana Jalaluddin, especially Kadi Burhaneddin, Qadi Siraceddin, Sadreddin Konevi, scholars such as Shahabeddin Sühreverdi, Muzyddin arabî, such as Sufi if they settled in Konya, a cultural center of the city with works they gave The. In 1071, after the Battle of Malazgirt, the doors of Anatolia were opened to Turks and conquered by Sultan Suleyman Shah, the great Seljuk Sultan Kutalmuğlu. Founded in 1074 and the capital Iznik, Anatolian Seljuk state, after the end of the 1st Crusade lost Iznik, the capital moved to Konya. After becoming the capital, the city, which has been adorned with many architectural works, has become one of the most developed cities of Anatolia in a short time. During 211 years from 1097 to 1308, Konya, which remained under the rule of the Anatolian Seljuk state, was dominated by the karamsons of the Seljuk state following the collapse.


In 1465, the Ottoman Sultan Fatih Sultan Mehmet was eliminated by the karamsons of the Ottoman Empire and was taken into the borders of the Konya Ottomans. Fatih Sultan Mehmet founded the province of Karaman as the 4th state in 1470, and made its headquarters in Konya. In the 17th century, the borders of the province of Karaman were enlarged and the name of the province of Konya was changed during the Tanzimat period. The population of Konya was 1,825 at that date, and it was Turkey’s 11th and the world’s 69th largest city. During the years of the independence War, he served on Konya, the headquarters of the Western Front was established in Akşehir. The Mondros was fully recovered from the occupation on March 20, 1920, after the Armistice Treaty, while Konya was occupied by the Italians.


Konya, which is rapidly growing and evolving in the Republican era, is a city in the view of the open-air museum today with its cultural monuments. Konya, which is among the numbered cities of Turkey in terms of historical works, has been adorned with monuments that are considered to be more than two centuries of capital, because of its works of Turkish architecture. In this direction, the Seljuk era, Konya, Bursa, Edirne and Istanbul before the “most magnificent Turkish city” has risen to the rank. Many of the works made before the Turkish-Islamic period in Konya can be said to be unable to reach the present. Nevertheless, Konya is one of the exception cities adorned with its various historical monuments. In the beginning of these works, the Mevlana museum is considered a symbol of Konya.This magnificent 16-slice monument, made by the architect Bedrettin Tabrizi and called the Dome-I Hadra (the Green Dome), is covered with tiled tiles, and its present image has been settled in the Republican era. Alaeddin Mosque, having Ata complexes, Karatay madrasa, Fine minaret, Medrese, is one of the Seljuk period works of Sirin Madrasah. Many mosques, baths, fountains, bridges, tekke, caravanserai, hospitals, waterways and other infrastructure agencies belonging to the period of Seljuk and Beyliklı are the most prominent works of the Ottoman period in Konya, the Sultan Selim and Aziziye mosques. Konya 12th. In the first half of the century, the Sultan Alaeddin Keykubat (1219, 1236) has gained the distinction of the world’s Science and Art Center.The scientists and art people from all over the Turkish-Islamic world gathered in Konya. Bahaeddin Brat, Muhyddin Arabi, and Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi, Sadreddin Konevi, Shamsi Tabrizi, Kadi Burhaneddin, Qadi Siraceddin, Urmemi such as Bilgin Musufi if and philosophers prepared their precious works in Konya, they shed light on the world. This feature, which can be called “The Golden Age of Konya”, is the 12th. Continued until the mid-century. The vast tolerities of these personalities and the new owners of Anatolia, the superiority of science, art and technical areas, the profound cultural and social structures, have been a major factor in the fact that Anatolia is the “main country”. Thus neither the Byzantine attacks, nor the Mongol invasion, nor the Crusader armies, nor the Italian, nor the Greek occupation, could destroy the Turkish sovereignty in Anatolia.


KONYA in the Anatolian Seljuks revolution

After Konya’s 1071 Malazgirt War, after the fall of the Seljuk Turks (1076-1080), the Anatolian Seljuks have established the golden age of culture and art during the capital of the state (1096-1277). He has gathered his famous scholars, philosophers, poets, Mussufi, Hodja, Musikiinas and other artisans in his bosom.Bahaeddin Brat, Mevlana Jalaluddin, especially Kadi Burhaneddin, Qadi Siraceddin, Sadreddin Konevi, scholars such as Shahabeddin Sühreverdi, Muzyddin arabî, such as Sufi if they settled in Konya, a cultural center of the city with works they gave The. In particular, this effect is still ongoing with its works such as Divan-I kebir, which has illuminated humanity with the idea and philosophy of the Prophet Mevlâna.Nasreddin Hodja is a wise person who has been continuing for centuries in the development of the culture and social life of Konya with its laughing and suggestive anecdotes. Libraries opened in the Seljuk period Konya, in this period, history, literature, philosophy, art, medicine, cosmology, major historical and cultural breakthroughs in the field of law and religion have been made, depending on the medreseler, mosques, libraries, shrines, fountains, Castles, Hanks, baths, bazaars and Bedesten, bridges, palaces were made.

Karamsons of KONYA

In the era of karamsons of Konya (1277), developments in the field of science and culture continued, with the great Arif Celebi and sons Adil and Alim Çelebiler Ahmet eflâkî and yellow yakup, such as scholar and Musufi Iflar.

KONYA in the Ottoman revolution

Konya is in the Ottoman borders in 1467. The Ottoman sultans from the eastern voyages of Yavuz Sultan Selim, the law of Sultan Suleyman and II. Murat’s haunt. The movements of science, culture and art continue without interruption. Famous poets, scholars, historians and philosophers are gathered in the center. In this period, in the architectural direction; Works of mosques, fountains, madrasas, etc. are formed. Konya Provincial Public Library was founded in 1910 in this period for the first time in the name of the National Library.

KONYA in the Republican revolution

With the proclamation of the Republic in October 29, 1923, new schools opened in addition to new newspapers and magazines to be published. As in Konya, the first, middle, high school and higher education is passed to the State administration, school making and reading mobilization, teachers and technical and art schools and schools, and colleges are renewed according to the needs of the country Replicated. With the establishment of the Ministry of Culture, Libraries and museums, conservation of our cultural and natural assets are given to the control of the Ministry of Culture under the framework of the 2863 and the “Protection of cultural and natural assets” of 3386. In all provinces, the Ministry of Culture and Culture and art movements of the Republican period have been systematically made by the organization of the provincial cultural directorates to represent.

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